Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wedding Celebration at the Church

 A lovely wedding celebration was held at the LeBase church house recently.  A traditional wedding is first done, with the families, then a civil wedding is required at a government building (Commune).  Then everyone gathers, this time at the church house, and since it was being refurbished, tents were put up outside.  This was a large wedding - a large, well established family, with both the bride and groom being members of the church, but it appeared many of their extended families were not.  At this ceremony, the bride and groom arrive in a decorated car, have their entourage, and walk slowly up to the front, where the Branch President or someone talks, they usually each talk, and then there is music and food and lots of celebrating. 

This is the car they arrived in - it has ribbons and flowers on it, but they are not showing well in this photo.

This beautiful little girl appeared to be one of the relatives.

There were 6 young women friends who walked slowly in front of the bride and groom and had a special dance they did to music while they waved these cloths.  I had been to one of their homes the day before, and the young woman was having her nails done by one of the men who walk around the cartiers clicking noise-makers together to advertise that they are in the neighborhood looking for customers. These dresses were so pretty and modest and we have seen the young women wearing them to church since then.  Many times the dresses worn are more like prom dresses - very fancy (like at home!).
This is the bride and groom - a beautiful couple.  They had a large picture of a Temple in the tent where they sat.  They plan to go as soon as they are able to make the long and expensive trip.  Pointe Noire members usually travel to the Johannesberg Temple, in South Africa.  It is a huge challenge for couples to marry because of the tradition of families requiring a 'dote' and so a marriage of a young couple is a very special occasion.  Most people have to wait for  many years to save the money for the dote before their families allow a civil marriage.


  1. beautiful! I showed the Snitkers, Byingtons, and Stonebreakers your blog and Christmas letter. They all say hi.
    Diana and Henry

  2. What a wonderful experience for you to share. Thanks for the pictures.
